Política sobre Cookies
Because we are willing to offer you great and unique moments, so our Hotel Le M provides you an easy use and optimized website. You can easily find information concerning the hotel and book your next stay.
In order to optimize you’re your navigation and to offer you a personalized offer, the Hotel Le M website could save and read data related to your navigation. These data are composed of navigation-related information, such as localization, spoken language or computer configuration. These data are not directly related to your personal identity.
We are aware of the fact that our guests’ confidence is a crucial satisfaction criterion. Thus, we elaborated a cookies policy, in the scope of our constant transparency goal. This policy gives you key information related to the type of used cookies, the processing done by our Hotel Le M and your personal managing possibility.
Tracers, and more specifically cookies are used to create a data exchange with users ‘computers, in order to get information related to Internet navigations.
A server use packets of data to send status information to the user’s browser, which answers by returning status information (for instance: language, session identifier, localization …) to the initial server.
This status information returned by the user’s browser are saved when the user access page or when he returns to this website at another moment.
Cookies are the most expanded examples of tracers and are declined in two main types:
- Temporary type, which disappears as soon as the user closes the website or the browser. These are session cookies.
- Permanent type, which remains on users’ device until the expiration of their validity period. However, the user can delete these permanent cookies through browser’s features.
In the scope of our Internet website, we use cookies and other tracers in order to reach the following goals, explained according to the several types of cookies:
• Indispensable cookies for an easy use and efficient navigation, which allows us to:
- Ensuring proper functioning of the authentication module and facilitate your identification on our website;
- Defining “technical roads” of navigation in order to make it optimal;
- Save authorization information concerning the use of tracers, given through a banner seen by users on the website. Keeping on browser after having seen this message materialize their consent;
- Secure your browsing by ensuring proper functioning of tools.
• Functional cookies used to:
- Adapt our website to your preferences (for instance: currency, localization, language, screen setting …) in order to offer you an efficient browsing;
- Save prior entered information in order to optimize your browsing;
• Cookies for visitor tracking with the objective of understanding interactions between the user and the website, enabling to set up statistical analysis and tests.
• Affiliate cookies ensure identification of the third-party website, which redirects you to our website.
• Social network cookies made for allowing you to share your experience and our website content on social media. .
We recommend that you consult the policies of these social networks to learn about the purposes of use, including advertising, navigation information they can collect. In particular, these policies should enable you to exercise your choices with these social networks, in particular by setting up your usage accounts for each one of them.
• Accepting tracers
The use of cookies related to audience tracking and social networks is conditioned by your acceptance.
An information banner appears during the first visit to the website. By this means, we inform users that by continuing their navigation, they notify us of their consent to the installation of cookies on their device. However if the site is left without any navigation, the installation will not take place.
To enable the installation of tracers, it is necessary that you accept it during your first visit on the website of the Hotel Le M while continuing your navigation. Without this condition, cookies of this type will not be active.
• Setting up your browser
Because of the default setting, the majority of browsers do not offer users to consent to the installation of tracers and allow this installation directly.
However, it is your option to systematically reject or select accepted tracers. The browser setting can also be used to accept or refuse the installation of tracers for each browsing. The deletion of each of the tracers is of course possible at any time, from the browser used. It will be necessary to take into account the modalities inherent to the navigator used. You can consult these terms directly in the help menu provided, as well as on the links below for the most popular browsers:
- Google Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647 ;
- Internet Explorer™ :
- http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies ;
- Firefox™ : http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies ;
- Safari™ :
- http://www.apple.com/fr/privacy/use-of-cookies ;
When a browser is automatically set to accept each of the tracers, those that have been integrated so far can be stored temporarily in a space provided for this purpose, directly in the user's terminal. This option makes it possible to reduce the visibility to the sole frame of the transmitter.
Conversely, if the browser is set to refuse all or some tracers, the user's browsing on the website of the Hotel Le M could then be restricted.
We draw your attention to the risk associated with the default refusal of the use of tracers. Indeed, this default setting of your browser could restrict the functionality of our website and limit your browsing conditions.
• Refuse tracers according to their final goal
If you do not want to manage the tracers by modifying the settings of your navigator, you will find below the various means available to you to refuse the tracers according to their purpose.
In the case of audience tracking, we use the Google Analytics solution. By consulting the following page, you will obtain all the necessary information to affix your refusal:
- Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr
We also suggest you to consult the following links to learn more about the use of tracers made by social networks, setting up your account and how to refuse or limit this practice:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/about/ads
- Google+ : http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/
- Twitter : https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170518
• Manage tracers through extensions of your browser
We suggest you to consult the following list of examples of solutions to easily manage the plotters and thus to optimally control your navigation. These programs are free and easy to use.
- Ghostery : https://www.ghostery.com
- Disconnect : https://disconnect.me
- DoNotTrackMe : https://abine.com/donottrackme.html